About Our Prints
We're proud to offer collectible, museum-quality prints which are printed on the highest quality archival photographic paper. All prints are hand-made to order, and signed by the artist.

Larger print sizes are sold as Limited Editions, meaning there are only a small number of prints available in each size. Limited Editions are individually numbered, signed by the artist and accompanied by a certificate of authenticity.

Payment Options
You can purchase prints online, using your credit card or bank account. Our shopping cart is powered by PayPal. If you'd prefer to pay by check, money order or wire transfer, please email your request to:
shop @ beautyisdivine.com

Once we receive your order, your custom print will be handmade to exacting standards, signed by the artist and carefully packed for shipping. Please allow 2 weeks for delivery.

10% Members Discount
Our members receive a 10% discount on all purchases made in the gODDESS SHOP. This is just one of the many advantages of becoming a member of our site.

Customer Service
If you require any additional information or assistance, please feel free to email us: shop @ beautyisdivine.com